Where does BRITA hail from originally?
BRITA is a family business from GERMANY. The first jugs of water were sold outside the owners’ house, to passersby, from a little camping table. Now, the brand is a household name internationally.
What is the role of a good water-filtration system in the brewing of great coffee?
Water has a huge influence on a cup of brewed coffee, accounting for more than 98% of its content. The right water-filtration system will make an espresso machine last longer, by preventing damage that can be caused by some of the chemicals present in municipal water. Secondly, a good filtration system filters out any impurities that are present in the water, thereby enhancing the subtle notes and aromas of a coffee. It ultimately gives consumers the very best taste experience.
How would you describe the tap water in Cape Town?
Cape Town municipal water is generally very soft because it is sourced from the surfaces of dams. Odd tastes come about due to the chemicals that are added during water sanitation, as well as any organic impurities. An interesting point is that poor water can affect not only the taste of coffee but also its appearance. While chemicals like chlorine, for example, can easily spoil one’s coffee – and tea – they are fortunately easy to treat.
What sort of consultancy work does Ultipure provide in sub-Saharan Africa?
Ultipure specialises in the treatment of water in the commercial kitchens of lodges and hotels, where customers do not always have access to a good municipal water supply. Should we encounter issues beyond our expertise, we refer these to a locally accredited laboratory and results are sent to the consultants at BRITA. We have access to some of the industry’s best-qualified people.

What role will Ultipure play at the upcoming Cape Town Coffee Festival?
Certain standards have been set on water quality for the optimal cup of coffee. We invite people at the Festival to come and chat to us about this. Some roasters have their own standards; they roast their beans to be different and unique. This is the point! We can, through mineral manipulation, set our systems to cater for exactly what our clients desire.
Make sure you stop at Ultipure’s booth and learn all about the importance of water this weekend!
For more on BRITA’s premium water filtration systems, go to http://www.ultipure.com.